At PULSAR® we have a number of charities we support including Railway Children, The Pink Ribbon Foundation and The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity. Their wonderful work changes the life of many both in their communities and worldwide and we are proud to be partnered with them.
The Pink Ribbon Foundation is a grant making trust with a mission to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, have been affected by breast cancer or who work to advance the understanding of breast cancer and its early detection and treatment.
Every year the Foundation invites charities in the UK to apply for a grant in order to help them continue to vital work or to fund one off projects. So far they have helped over 150 charities.
At PULSAR® we are pleased to announce when every female garment is brought, a percentage is given to this wonderful charity.
To learn more visit - www.pinkribbonfoundation.org.uk

Railway Children has been fighting for children alone and at risk on the streets for over 25 years. During that time, they have reached more than 275,000 children in India, the UK and East Africa.
Railway Children race to reach children as soon as they arrive on the streets and intervene before an abuser can. Their pioneering enables then to get to street children before the streets get to them.
Every orange, rail approved garment sold at PULSAR®, a percentage is given to this wonderful charity.
To learn more visit - www.railwaychildren.org.uk
The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity is the only charity that provides emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support to construction workers and their families. They have been delivering charitable support to the Construction Community since 1956.
The offer services such as a 24/7 Construction Industry Helpline alongside a Helpline App. They also provide Construction Focused Wellbeing and Mental Health Training.
At PULSAR® a fixed yearly amount is sent to this wonderful charity.
To learn more, visit - www.lighthouseclub.org